Hemlock Ravine
The Hemlock Ravine comprises a large portion of the nature preserve. The hemlocks are endangered by an exotic insect, the hemlock wooly adelgid (HWA). Looking down into the hemlock ravine Mitchella repens, partridgeberry, rooted in a bed of moss. New York ferns, Thelypteris novaboracensis, unfurling in the Hemlock Ravine. This Indian cucumber is still blooming, […]
Kettle Hole Bog
One of the more interesting areas of the Preserve is a small kettle hole bog, a relict of ancient glacial origin. Carnivorous plants and some of the other unique flora found here are limited to bogs and found nowhere else. Goldthread, Coptis trifolia, in bloom, a common groundcover in the bog. The fragrant rosy azalea, […]
From spring through summer, this gallery highlights the diversity of native flora found throughout different areas of the Preserve. Trout lilies, Erythronium americanum, one of our earliest spring wildflowers, found in damp, seepy woods. Sharp-lobed hepatica, or liver-leaf, Hepatica acutiloba, maybe our earliest bloomer, still hanging on to last year’s evergreen leaf Wood anemone, Anemone […]