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Flying Trillium Gardens & Preserve

Flying Trillium Gardens & Preserve is located in the southern Catskill Mountains in Sullivan County, NY. The gardens are an ongoing work by author, teacher, and landscape designer, Carolyn Summers. Throughout her career, Carolyn has been acutely aware of the need for clients, DIY homeowners, and designers to be able to see how lovely native plants are when used in garden settings. The Catskills – mostly in a Zone 5 climate – makes an excellent test for fitness and hardiness. In addition to managed gardens, large areas of the property are preserved to protect native flora in their natural habitats, along with the wildlife that depend on them. We invite you to come and experience the beauty, diversity and sustainability of our native flora for yourself. Our goal is for you to leave inspired to plant more of the same.


Native Gardening

A compilation of resources  focused on native plant gardening and conservation efforts.

Education & Events

“Native Plants: From the Wild to the Garden”

February 9, 2025 at 2 pm

Open Garden Days Guided Tours

May 23– 26 (24th afternoon only), May 30, June 1 (afternoon only) and June 7 & 8

“Keystone Plants to Restore Insect Populations” (Zoom)

February 12, 2025 at 7:30 – 9 pm



Native Plant Gardens

Flying Trillium Gardens and Preserve includes traditional gardens in sun and shade, meadows, and over 300 trees and shrubs native to the northeast, including unusual cultivated varieties, and over 100 dwarf and ornamental selections of our native conifers. 


Nature Preserve

The nature preserve protects over 385 acres with natural forest, meadows and aquatic plant communities, including a rare kettle hole bog. Almost a third of the trees native to New York occur here naturally. The preserve showcases indigenous plants in their native environment. Reading the natural landscape may provide inspiration for your own home.



These photos feature some of the diverse wildlife found in Flying Trillium’s habitats. Native flora sustains a variety of wildlife, including reptiles and amphibians, neotropical migrant songbirds and year-round residents. Common caterpillars on their host plants are paired with their adult butterflies in the last gallery.