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FLYING TRILLIUM Gardens and Preserve

It rains often; waterproof boots are a good idea!
Note: Please ignore misinformation from Google. We are OPEN for tours by appointment. We are NOT located in Tarrytown.
We are located in Sullivan County, southern Catskill Mountains, NY. Flying Trillium is open for visits by appointment during our Open Days. We invite you to come and experience, in person, the beauty and diversity of our northeastern native flora, as well as the pollinators and other fauna that depend on them. We hope you leave inspired to see how native plants can enhance your landscaping and home garden!
Please contact us for an appointment via phone or email. We will respond and provide address and directions. (Online maps don’t quite get it right.) To estimate driving time, you may google the Neversink Reservoir, as we are very close.
Flying Trillium Gardens and Preserve
Sullivan County, Catskills, NY
845.292.6424 phone
845.292.6436 fax
E-mail us at