Reptiles & Amphibians
More info to come. This green frog, Rana clamitans, sports unusual colors. wood turtles are becoming rare. Two-lined salamanders require cool clean waters and serve as good indicators of water quality. Spring salamander, Grinophilus porphyriticus, released back to the stream after I. D. and photo documentation. Here is a brightly colored red eft, the juvenile […]
Caterpillars and Their Butterflies
This gallery pairs photos of some common caterpillars on their respective host plants with photos of the adult butterfly. Without providing native host plants, we would not be able to support reproducing populations of these lovely creatures. (All photos taken by Carolyn onsite at Flying Trillium Gardens and Preserve. ) This Spicebush Swallowtail caterpillar is […]
Celebrate Pollinator Week – June 15 – 21!
Butterflies are more than just beautiful; they are beneficial to the environment and your garden. Pollinators, including the monarch butterfly, play an integral part in the production of about one-third of the food that we eat! Unfortunately, their populations have been in steady decline. In honor of Pollinator Week, June 15–21, 2015, Botanical Interest Seeds […]
Butterfly Borders
Our colorful perennial borders attract native pollinators such as Monarch butterflies, wood nymphs, hummingbirds and bees. Moss phlox and Amsonia brighten the slow-to-waken perennial border Culver’s root, Veronicastrum virginicum, forms elegant spires framed by Monarda sp. and meadow rue, Thalictrum pubescens. Late spring and the tall perennial border is just getting started with Ziza aurea. […]